I have to say even I am surprised it has been so long since I have wanted to even
write a blog entry. You know I understood the information age is amazing and
we had all these great tools for social networking and I loved taking advantage of
them all.....until I realized I was spending more time on line with folks I barely knew
and not that much time with the people I did know.
So time for a social networking vacation and that is just what I did. No Facebook
or Twitter. No blogging or newsletters. Just me, my friends, my off line writing and
time to do some growing.
Guess what? I loved it and I actually had time for some education and to start a
new chapter of my life as a trainer.
So have I missed my blog... a little. Am I happy I stepped away for awhile? You bet.
And by the way...I now have 5 grandchildren who provide me more fun and interaction
then anything online ever has.