Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Day

To watch the Memorial Day concert on PBS this evening was pretty powerful. I am not a believer in the war personally and I will leave it at that. I think everyone has a right to their own opinion when it comes to the subject of war.

For my step-son who is a captain in the army stationed in Germany and waiting to be deployed to Iraq again I have nothing but respect and gratitude. Why? Because he walks his talk. He believes in what he is doing and he acts on that belief. I admire that.

I have seen what this war has done to him, how he has changed and yet he believes in what he is doing. I honor that in him and still most respectfully disagree in the concept of war.

But for all those who do serve I give you my respect and support. For the families of those who are serving and for those who have lost loved ones in the service of this country I send you my prayers, for your loved ones and for the end of all war.


Going Like Sixty said...

When you say your son believes in what he is doing (which one hears a lot) what does that mean?
Supports the war? Believes in following orders? Believes in our country and it's leaders.
I'm not being snarky. I'm really curious what folks man when they say "s/he believes in what they are doing."
I have this is a feeling that one must have before facing danger. If one doesn't believe - then doubt plays a part.

Maureen said...

Hi Mark,
In all honesty I think that before his first term in Iraq he believed in the war. When he was in Afghanistan it was all about getting Osama. I think he was maybe riding the wave of a very popular sentiment. If we get Osama then the problem goes away.

Right now I think it is more about he believes in his country. He does not necessarily believe that this war makes sense but he believes that he has a responsibility to keep the men underneath him safe from harm. He also has a responsibility to a commitment that he made. That commitment was to his country.

This is just me speaking now...I think the subject of war and supporting it and leaders and siding with one country over another is always a very complicated matter. I tend to be a little more " we are the world" kind of girl. Not always popular but very much me.