Thursday, March 15, 2007

I am a Baby Boomer

I am a Baby Boomer. Sometimes I don't quite believe it for I still feel like an 18 year old. However anyway you slice it I am going to turn 50 this year. That puts me in the range of birth years that determines if you are a "boomer".

I found myself arguing with my son about it the other day. He kept insisting I wasn't a boomer and when presented with the evidence he turned to me and said "wow you're old"!

Old or not I can still be beautiful and that brings me to why I felt moved to write today. Age does not determine beauty....or intelligence or accomplishment or man other things. that however is for another day.
Today I wanted to share a site I was on presented by Dove. They have a great pro-age commercial on it and the mixed reactions to it. They also have another film you should check out as well.

I would love to know your reactions.

1 comment:

Rhea said...

I'm like you. I am 48 but feel 18. Hard to think of myself as middle-aged. Good to find your blog.